Dr. Chunhua XU
SCI-indexed publications |
Xu C, Wang L, Zhang Y, Li W, Li J, Wang Y, Meng C, Qin J, Zheng ZH, Lan HY, Mak KKL, Huang Y & Xia Y (2020) Tubule-specific Mst1/2 deficiency induces CDK via YAP and non-YAP mechanisms. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 31(5):946-961 with editorial (Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2020;31(5):893-894.)
Huang H, Xu C, Wang Y, Meng C, Liu W, Zhao Y, Huang XR, You W, Feng B, Zheng ZH, Huang Y, Lan HY, Qin J & Xia Y (2017) Lethal (3) malignant brain tumor like 2 (L3MBTL2) protects against kidney injury by inhibiting the DNA damage-p53-apoptosis pathway in renal tubular cells. Kidney International 93(4):855-870.